Our auditing services can be instrumental in determining where your computer systems, processes, and procedures really are when it comes to compliance.  And let’s face it.  You need to be a computer system SME to adequately assess and understand the complexities and potential impact of today’s computer technology.  Perhaps even more so when choosing a software or services provider and when outsourcing.

We perform comprehensive internal and external quality audits specifically focused on computerized systems and their use governed by GxP regulations.  For small organizations, we can provide the additional man-power to provide a completely independent perspective of the areas being audited to provide high-quality, impartial, and actionable information.

We also perform supplier audits for your software application and service vendors.  Considering using  The Cloud?  We can help there too.

Whether you are preparing for a regulatory inspection, need to perform a comprehensive assessment of audit findings, or are selecting a vendor, we can help.

  •  Internal audits
  • Supplier Audits
  • Third- Party Audits
  • Comprehensive Assessment of Audit Findings
  • Remediation Planning & Oversight